Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Slaughterhouse V

I had to work sunday night and read most of Slaughterhouse V and finished it when I got home. I haven't read a lot of war books so it reminded me of my favorite book of all time Johnny Got His Gun but other than them both being anti war books they aren't similiar at all. Slaughterhouse V is serious and funny but you feel guilty for laughing, it is touching and so fantastically creative.

I had never heard about Dresden, maybe I've read about it in history class and don't remember but I was shocked that 135,000 people (according to the book) were killed and I rarely hear it talked about compared to the two atomic bombings that each killed almost half of the people killed in Dresden.

All in all I loved the book and for how it pertains to Lost, oh my gosh, to me it explains all the time traveling issues in Lost and made it easier for me to understand.

I really wanted to read all the books referenced in Lost but I think there will be one that I just can't read. That is the Shining. I just have a way too vivid imagination and I get spooked easily even though it's kind of fun to be spooked, this one is too much for me. Also, I have night terrors once in a while and I haven't had one for awhile and I'm sure I would if read any further. I did really want to read it and I may change my mind but I don't think so.

Right now I'm reading The Coalwood Way by Homer Hickam. I think I will really like this, just a heartwarming fun one.

Monday night when I was working my right knee started hurting and then I started getting shooting pain down my leg to my knee. I have almost fallen because it's come unexpected and it took my breath away. I've had back problems but I've never had such a classic sign that my discs are acting up. The doctor gave me predinose and lortab.

I'm scheduled to work at the coffee shop all night. I'll be working by myself which I love unless it's ungodly busy, we'll see. I'm not sure if my back will handle it but I don't want to call in sick.

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