Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday August 15th, 2009

I just got off work at the coffee shop. I love being a barista but some of the customers drive me crazy!

Now, I'm at home, actually at Jason's parent's house which is pretty much home too and relaxing in the recliner. Jason is sitting in the other recliner and Bella is laying next to Jason on the floor and Gary and Kathy are sitting on the porch. These are the small moments in life that I love where everything seems okay even for just a little bit. It's a beautiful warm day with a perfect breeze. This summer has gone by way too fast but the one benefit to a quick going summer is a our yearly vacation to the lake. It's heaven to Jason and I, I can't think of a more relaxing and beautiful place to be. Good Lord willing Jason and I get to be there for almost 10 days. I think one reason it means so much to me is because Jason and I had such a good time there the first time we went together.

Jason and I were engaged and they invited me to come along with them to the lake for their family vacation. I got my very own room in the cabin and Jason was told to sleep on the floor, he did most of the time. It was so warm and beautiful and I had never been on a lake vacation before and we have gone every year since.

Right now the Lost book I am reading right now is a book called the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. This book was written in 1952 but takes place in the 1920's. It is surprising to me that while reading it it wouldn't be hard to mistake it taking place in the 21st century. In some ways things have changed so much and in others it seems like some things always stay the same. I'm not even though the first 100 pages but it didn't take me long to get interested in it and it's really getting good now. I think one big way this book pertains to Lost is that the main character seems to be a lot like Sawyer. They are both unique people who don't care at all that they don't fit into or want to fit into mainstream society.

This week I finished Jurassic Park. I think a lot of people thought the monster on Lost was a dinosaur but that theory was debunked by Nikki an actual character on Lost when she tells her partner Paulo that the island isn't Jurassic Park.

I starting reading Watership down and The Island and Mystery Island but they weren't moving quickly enouph for me but I do plan on going back and finishing them.

Over a year ago I read A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. I found it fascinating beyond words but most of it went over my head I'm sure. In Lost we see one of the Other's reading it while he is keeping guard, it can also be seen in Ben's bedroom.

A couple of weeks ago I read Are you There God? It's me, Margaret by Judy Blume. What a great book, even for an adult. I wish so much that I had read this book when I was 11 and 12. Not only does it address what it's like to be that age and want to get your period so badly but it also addresses that fact that we can have our very own relationship with God that had nothing to do with religion. In Lost we see Sawyer read this and this is what he says about it, Predictable. Not nearly enough sex! LOL!

I've probably read atleast 5-8 books on my list already but I think it will be easier to blog about them as I'm reading them. I will also be adding to the list as I find more references.

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