Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What I think about LA X part one and two

I'm so excited to have Lost back, it was a very very long hiatus! At the end of last years finale I thought I would try doing a recap of every episode before the Final season premier, I quickly found out that was going to be impossible for me. Instead I decided to collect and read all the books that have been shown and referenced on Lost. I love this plan because not only has it got me back into reading but this plan will last me a very long time if not a life time of wanting to read good books!

I thought I could blog about what I liked and found interesting about the episodes this season. So, first I will blog about the show and then I will blog about the books that were referenced in the episode and talk a little about the books I'm reading right now.

I wasn't surprised to see that the first scene was Jack back on flight 815 but I was surprised that they are going the route of showing what happened if the bomb went off and if it didn't go off! My theory all summer was that the bomb did go off and we would see them back on the plane but they would still end up crashing on the island. I never thought about them doing it the way they are, that's one reason I love Lost!
I loved the eerie feeling of the first sideways flash. I really felt like they set the mood for us to think that he was confused about where he was and how he got there but not yet having clearly defined memories of the Island.

I thought the scene where there was the most turbulence was so suspenseful and I still thought at that time they might still crash on the island, again. I thought it was interesting that Rose and Jacks roles were a little switched with Rose comforting Jack. I think her telling Jack that he could let go was a nod to his problems with letting go and wanting to fix everything.

I have read other people's theories about how they feel that Rose and Bernard know more than everyone else and I can see how you would think that and I'm starting to wonder if that is how Rose knew Bernard wasn't dead but I don't know if that makes sense since Bernard didn't have that same feeling and asked Sawyer and Micheal if there was an African American woman in their camp.

I loved how Bernard said he almost died in that bathroom, which he almost did the first flight also!

I am completely puzzled by Jack going to the bathroom and noticing that mystery cut on his neck but my first thought is that somehow things will be bleeding over from the Island time line.

Holy crap! I was not prepared to see Desmond on the plane. Jack seems to recognize him from somewhere but it doesn't seem to be from the race in the stadium like Jack remembered him from in the hatch. I think this is surely another instance of the island time line coming through. Also, if you look closely you can see that Desmond is wearing a wedding ring. I don't believe he would have been married to Penny even though she may have been born before 1977. I wonder if he may have married the girl he ditched a week before the wedding to become a priest?!

I loved the scene with the island under water, I really thought that was one of the coolest scene's yet, I don't think it will be the coolest by the time the series is over!

I was surprised as we flash back to Island time that it was Kate's eye that we're wondering all summer who's eye was shown in the first very very short promo for season 6. I am confused if we are to believe that the bomb didn't go off why every one's ears would be ringing and Kate would end up in a tree. Or am I thinking about this all wrong and one timeline is that the bomb went off and it worked and the bomb went off and it didn't work? Is it possible that Jacob dieing was so huge that is what sent the Losties back to their own time?

When we see Kate in the sideways flash she is still a fugitive but somehow she seems very different to me than on the first flight. Somehow she seems harder to me and much more cynical and more of a smart ass and rude to other's besides the Marshall. Even when she meets Jack I believe she is only nice to him so she can steal his pen.

When we meet alternate time line Hurley he is the luckiest guy alive! How does someone go from being as unlucky as Hurley was to being the luckiest guy alive? I believe Hurley is "lucky" now because he didn't end up accidentally killing people when his extra weight caused an accident.

Back to the island I really had hopes that Juliet would some way make it after Kate hears her but she just fell to far.

I totally thought the scene where Sayid is spitting up blood was way disgusting, yuck!

Then Hurley meets Jacob and he tells him that if he takes Sayid to the temple they will help him. Was Jacob responding to Sayid's question of where he would go after torturing all those people?

I was very disappointed to see that in the sideways flash Jin was an ass again and Sun was wearing that dreadful sweater again. However as we see Sun admiring Rose and Bernard she seems almost oblivious that her husband is a jerk.

It was very bittersweet to see John and Boone interacting on the plane knowing how Boone dies on the island. I don't think that John actually went on the walk about, but when he was talking about it, it was almost like he was talking about his time on the island. Is it possible that John is already aware of his island self in the alternate time line?

I cringed when Boone asked John if he was pulling his leg? So sad. Of course it was also sad when Boone tells Locke, if those goes down I'm with you.

Then we get to see what happened right after Ben killed Jacob. Flocke says he burned up in the fire but that wouldn't have been possible in that amount of time. Is his body disappearing a reference to Christ's body not being in the tomb?

I'm not quite sure who Jacob was talking about when he told Hurley that the one who killed him was an old friend who grew tired of his company. Yes, Ben put the knife in his chest but it was Flocke that orchestrated the whole thing.

When Jack goes in to save Charlie I wondered if there was something special about the fact that Charlie didn't look like he did on the first flight but looked like he did when he he saw Hurley at the mental institution. I also have started to wonder if when Hurley was seeing "dead" people and talking and interacting with him if he was actually interacting with the people as they are in the alternate timeline. Of course that wouldn't be the case with Jacob.

It was so heart wrenching to see Sawyer cradling Juliet and wanting so badly for her to be okay. Juliet loves Sawyer so much that she would rather not be with him and have him be off the island than to be with him on the island. When Juliet starts talking nonsense it would be easy to assume it was nonsense but her nonsense is an awful lot like Charlotte's last words before she died. I believe as do many others that Juliet's mind was traveling to another place where she could see that Jack's plan worked and that Sawyer was safely off the island. I believe sometime during the sixth season we will see Juliet and Sawyer meet for coffee.
Back at the statue flocke wants to speak to Richard, when Ben comes back without Richard but with Braham, Flocke asks Ben where Richard is and Ben says he isn't coming and then Flocke says who is that behind hm? You would think if he knows Richard he would be able to see that wasn't Richard, but he seemed to think if was Richard until Ben told him otherwise.

Back on the plane as it lands when the Marshall gets up and gets the famous briefcase from overhead Kate doesn't even look at it. Is it possible that Tom didn't die?

I really thought that Locke may have been able to walk in the alternate timeline but sadly he was still paralyzed.

As part two starts we see Sawyer bury Juliet. He has Miles stay with him so he can "talk" to her and find out what she was going to say. Like I said I believe she knows Jack's plan worked because her mind traveled to the other timeline.

Everyone besides Miles and Sawyer take Sayid to the temple, when they get inside they find Montand with his missing arm which means if "Montand" came out the temple it wasn't him.

When Jack is called to the courtesy desk to find out that his father's coffin is missing I felt like Jack's reaction was much different than it would have been if the first flight had made it safely. I think he would have gone completely off the handle, but instead he is relatively calm for the situation. Also, when he speaks to John he seems comforted when John tells him that they didn't lose his father but just his coffin. It's almost like Jack is not as crazy in this timeline, almost like he's not dealing with his ex wife. Could they still be married? Maybe they never met at all? That would be okay, I never liked her character.

When the losties make it to the temple and are taken by the others, Hurley saves them by giving them the guitar case which is an ankh with all their names on a piece of paper. This seems to satisfy them and they don't shoot them. Hurley demands to know what is written on the paper and the Lennon look alike says that it says if Sayid dies they are all in a lot of trouble, in other words I think it says that every lostie that has been touched by Jacob has something very important to do, and it has to be all of them.

Sun and Jin are stopped because it's not noted that Jin has all that cash with them. Somehow I think if they had had all that cash when the plane cashed we might have seen it, so I'm left wondering why he needed all that cash? Also, why does the security lady call Sun Miss Paik? Are they not married yet? Is it possible that Sun's father didn't give permission for them to get married so they are running away together?

I'm not sure whether I believe that Sun knows English, I think she may not because if maybe she isn't even married to him yet she wouldn't have to go to all the trouble to make a plan to get away from him.

As they take Sayid near the spring the water is not clear. I believe that is because Jacob is dead and without his spirit and protection the spring will not work as it's supposed to.

Sayid ends up drowning and Jack attempts to do CPR on Sayid, I believe this scene shows how much Jack has changed. When he was trying to save Charlie after Ethan hung him it seemed that Jack would never give up. Now we see that he was able to realize that he couldn't save Sayid even though he tried.

Well, the one thing that hasn't changed about Kate is that she is still a runner and will do anything to get free. The big surprise in this scene of course is that the cab she gets into has Claire in it. You can't tell at all whether Clair is pregnant, but my gut is that she is. I thought in the episode Raised by Another the psychic told her the couple would meet her at the airport, I could be wrong, but obviously in this scene we see she was traveling alone.

Hurley follows the Lennon look alike to talk to their leader it seems. Hurley informs that Jacob is dead and they can't act fast enough. It seems with Jacob dead they have no protection and must go to great lengths to keep the man in black out without Jacob's protection.

Terry O Quinn is such a good actor. He can be so good as John and look completely evil as Flocke. He talks to Ben about what John was thinking as Ben strangled him. He mocks John yet he admires him for being the only one who wants to stay on the island. Ben asks Flocke what he wants and in one of the creepiest scenes in my opionion he says he wants to go home. Where is home? I believe it is either the temple, or heaven. If Flocke is the devil, it would make sense that he would want his place back in heaven.

When Flocke finally sees Richard he tells him that it is good to see him out of his chains. It would be easy to assume that he was a slave on the black rock, but maybe it means something symbolic rather than real chains.

I have no idea what Flocke means when he says he is very disappointed in all of them. Any ideas?

At the end of this episode we see Sayid come back to life. Is it just me or does his voice sound very different? Also, why couldn't Miles "talk" to him? I think Jack would have known if he was dead or not.

The two books that were shown in the premiere were Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushie. Desmond is seen reading this on second flight 815. The second book is Fear and Trembling by Søren Aabye Kierkegaard.

Right now I am reading The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King. There is a lot time travel and parallel and alternate universes. I'm only on book three but what the character Jake goes through explains a little of what might happen to the losties in the alternate universe. In the first book Jake is killed in New York when he is hit by a car and somehow ends up in the same universe as the Gunslinger, the main character. The Gunslinger ends up sacrificing Jake so he could meet the Man in Black so he can continue his ultimate goal of reaching the Dark Tower. In the second book the Gunslinger goes back to New York in the three different times to "Draw" his needed companions. In one of the time lines he ends up in New York at the same time that Jake is killed and the Gunslinger is able to prevent him from being killed yet he doesn't realize how that will change everything. Jack is alive but remembers dying and has memories of both time lines and starts to feel like he is going crazy. I believe the losties in the alternate time line will start to have memories of the their time on the island, how awful that would be for the losties who died on the island?

If you read this whole thing, I'm shocked. Please leave a comment!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today was kind of a so so day. Jason woke up sick and in pain. I think he is having trouble with his gallbladder but it's like pulling teeth to get him to go to the doctor. I wanted him to go to the er today but he kept dragging his feet and by the afternoon he was feeling a lot better. I hate hate hate seeing him sick or in pain as I guess most people hate to see anyone they love sick. I just have this terrible irrational fear that anything wrong with him means cancer, I guess I see so much of it at work and I've had it myself. Anytime he says he doesn't feel well it feels like my heart is going to drop and I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. I know that's not normal.

On to Lost, I can't believe the season premiere is only 3 days away! On friday I finished Stephen King's The Stand. The Characters really made the story and there are so many great characters in the story, so detailed and interesting. I've included the article from Lostpedia on how The Stand pertains to Lost. Apparently it is one of the books that has the most influence on Lost.


On friday I also read Jules Verne's The Survivors of the Chancellor. What a Horror story, but it had a happy ending.

This story pertains to Lost in that in the 4th Season a character named Regina on the vessel the Kahana Regina is seen reading this book upside down. She later jumps of the boat with chains on.

Soon I will add more books on my Lost list, there are some books I didn't list, I'm not sure why maybe because they are just referenced by being on a characters book shelf and ofcourse because there will be more books referenced in the 6th season!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

At the Lake!!

Jason and I are finally at the Lake!

I had to work Wednesday night and when I got off I took Bella to the Dog Whisperer for her vacation, I'm sure she doesn't think of it that way! She went there last year and it took her 5 out of 10 days to warm up to the Dog Whisperer, I hope it doesn't take that long this year. She never growled at him when he was taking her to her Kennel, she just kept trying to hide behind me and kept making her "I don't like this" noise. He has my number if he needs to call me so I will try not to worry about her.

I also had to work Thursday night, it couldn't have gone quicker! We finally got on the road bout 8:30 or so and we got to the cabin about 2:00 p.m.

It's been kind of rainy and foggy but the temperature has been nice and it's not supposed to rain today so I'm hoping I can use my new swimsuit!

It's so sweet to see Jason relax and not to have a care in the world while he is on vacation. He has been looking forward to this for so long and this is also his happiest place on earth.

I can tell Grandma looks more worn and aged, but I just hope and pray this will be a wonderful happy vacation for her. I hope and pray that she won't have to spend any of it in a hospital bed and get to enjoy all her family which is going to be a lot by the end of the week and even by tomorrow!

Right now Jason is out fishing, it makes me so happy to think about how happy he is right now. I guess that is what love is all about truly being happy that the other person is happy. I love him so much.

Well, as for books, I'm still reading the Last of the Mohicans, I think it may take me awhile to finish it. Like I said it's a little hard for me to read and I certainly can't read it very quickly like some books. There is just something so beautiful about the way it is written that even when I don't understand something I just want to keep reading. My mil said she saw another really old J. Fenimore Coooper book in antique store so I may have to go get it this week.

This week I also read Jaws. It was super easy to read and it took me no time to read at all. I was surprised at how different the book was from the movie but I suppose their would be no way they could rate the movie pg if it was just like the book. I was so surprised to read that Brody's wife had an one night stand with the character that is played by Richard Dryfus, not that is so scandalous or something but they hardly delve into her character in the movie and she is a lot more involved in the book. I thought the happy ending was that she realized how much she loved her husband and that she didn't need her past life to be happy and that Brody didn't die in the end.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Getting closer!

Today Jason and I went on our annual sunday before vacation trip to the store to get things he needs which are always the same. Boat oil, rain jacket, and fishing lures even though he already has a tackle box full of them but I love to watch him so excited and dreamy eyed about our upcoming vacation.

I have so much to do, I haven't even started packing. You have to pack so much to go to the lake since in one day it can start out freezing get really hot and get freezing again. I also have this thing about not being able to leave a dirty house and it's really messy right now.

I had finished The Coalwood Way by Homer Hickam and then I started Bad Twin by Gary Troup which is a fiction book written by a fiction author to go along with the store of Lost. I haven't finished it because I just have too many other good books to read so I started Last of the Mohicans by J. Fenimore Cooper. It's hard for me to read since there a quite a few words that I have no idea what they mean but I just try to take them in context. I love history and I love that this books takes place in somewhere I've actually been, New York.

I can't wait to finish the book so I can watch the movie. I haven't seen it in a long time. The Movie reminds me of my sister Aimee because she liked it so much and there was a time when they showed it on tv a lot and whenever it was one she would watch it and like it because of her. I have a fond memory of watching it in our hotel room while we were waiting for our second day of traveling to get to Ohio.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September already!

I've been feeling a little anxious today and I think it will only get worse until I'm actually on vacation. It's kind of screwed up that getting ready for vacation is so much work and actually causes stress. I don't even want to look forward to vacation just in case something messes it up. I hate that I can think of every conceivable thing that could happen to mess it up. I hate to be so negative but I just don't want to get my hopes up and then not be able to go.

I really want to look forward to vacation and have fun packing and think about how much fun were going to have, sometimes it sucks being an adult. When I was little I loved packing for trips and would start packing for vacation a couple of weeks in advance.

I loved the two weeks we spent in Ohio every summer. I looked forward to it all year. When I was I little I loved playing with the picnic basket full of my cousins old toys that my Grandma kept in her garage for us to play with. At my my mom's parent's house I looked forward to picking out our new school shoes and playing in the little pool but even when I was little I remember thinking that things like that would end someday.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Coalwood Way

Today I finished reading The Coalwood Way by Homer Hickam. It was a good book and fun to read since I haven't read a lot of books about teenage boys in Virginia. I think my Mom and Dad would enjoy this book also. As for how it pertains to Lost I guess it was seen on a shelf in one of Ben's flashbacks in the Dharma Initiative classroom. There is some physics talk so if I wonder if that is why it was on the book shelf.

I did however think it was very sad that the mother's damn squirrel Chipper was more important than family and christmas but I suppose if I lost Bella right before Christmas it might be ruined for me also.

The reason I think my parents would like this book is that my Mom would identify with the coal mining since her mom's family were coal miners and my Dad would like the part where someone is drinking pop with peanuts in it, gross!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Slaughterhouse V

I had to work sunday night and read most of Slaughterhouse V and finished it when I got home. I haven't read a lot of war books so it reminded me of my favorite book of all time Johnny Got His Gun but other than them both being anti war books they aren't similiar at all. Slaughterhouse V is serious and funny but you feel guilty for laughing, it is touching and so fantastically creative.

I had never heard about Dresden, maybe I've read about it in history class and don't remember but I was shocked that 135,000 people (according to the book) were killed and I rarely hear it talked about compared to the two atomic bombings that each killed almost half of the people killed in Dresden.

All in all I loved the book and for how it pertains to Lost, oh my gosh, to me it explains all the time traveling issues in Lost and made it easier for me to understand.

I really wanted to read all the books referenced in Lost but I think there will be one that I just can't read. That is the Shining. I just have a way too vivid imagination and I get spooked easily even though it's kind of fun to be spooked, this one is too much for me. Also, I have night terrors once in a while and I haven't had one for awhile and I'm sure I would if read any further. I did really want to read it and I may change my mind but I don't think so.

Right now I'm reading The Coalwood Way by Homer Hickam. I think I will really like this, just a heartwarming fun one.

Monday night when I was working my right knee started hurting and then I started getting shooting pain down my leg to my knee. I have almost fallen because it's come unexpected and it took my breath away. I've had back problems but I've never had such a classic sign that my discs are acting up. The doctor gave me predinose and lortab.

I'm scheduled to work at the coffee shop all night. I'll be working by myself which I love unless it's ungodly busy, we'll see. I'm not sure if my back will handle it but I don't want to call in sick.