Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September already!

I've been feeling a little anxious today and I think it will only get worse until I'm actually on vacation. It's kind of screwed up that getting ready for vacation is so much work and actually causes stress. I don't even want to look forward to vacation just in case something messes it up. I hate that I can think of every conceivable thing that could happen to mess it up. I hate to be so negative but I just don't want to get my hopes up and then not be able to go.

I really want to look forward to vacation and have fun packing and think about how much fun were going to have, sometimes it sucks being an adult. When I was little I loved packing for trips and would start packing for vacation a couple of weeks in advance.

I loved the two weeks we spent in Ohio every summer. I looked forward to it all year. When I was I little I loved playing with the picnic basket full of my cousins old toys that my Grandma kept in her garage for us to play with. At my my mom's parent's house I looked forward to picking out our new school shoes and playing in the little pool but even when I was little I remember thinking that things like that would end someday.

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