Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today was kind of a so so day. Jason woke up sick and in pain. I think he is having trouble with his gallbladder but it's like pulling teeth to get him to go to the doctor. I wanted him to go to the er today but he kept dragging his feet and by the afternoon he was feeling a lot better. I hate hate hate seeing him sick or in pain as I guess most people hate to see anyone they love sick. I just have this terrible irrational fear that anything wrong with him means cancer, I guess I see so much of it at work and I've had it myself. Anytime he says he doesn't feel well it feels like my heart is going to drop and I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. I know that's not normal.

On to Lost, I can't believe the season premiere is only 3 days away! On friday I finished Stephen King's The Stand. The Characters really made the story and there are so many great characters in the story, so detailed and interesting. I've included the article from Lostpedia on how The Stand pertains to Lost. Apparently it is one of the books that has the most influence on Lost.

On friday I also read Jules Verne's The Survivors of the Chancellor. What a Horror story, but it had a happy ending.

This story pertains to Lost in that in the 4th Season a character named Regina on the vessel the Kahana Regina is seen reading this book upside down. She later jumps of the boat with chains on.

Soon I will add more books on my Lost list, there are some books I didn't list, I'm not sure why maybe because they are just referenced by being on a characters book shelf and ofcourse because there will be more books referenced in the 6th season!

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