Saturday, September 12, 2009

At the Lake!!

Jason and I are finally at the Lake!

I had to work Wednesday night and when I got off I took Bella to the Dog Whisperer for her vacation, I'm sure she doesn't think of it that way! She went there last year and it took her 5 out of 10 days to warm up to the Dog Whisperer, I hope it doesn't take that long this year. She never growled at him when he was taking her to her Kennel, she just kept trying to hide behind me and kept making her "I don't like this" noise. He has my number if he needs to call me so I will try not to worry about her.

I also had to work Thursday night, it couldn't have gone quicker! We finally got on the road bout 8:30 or so and we got to the cabin about 2:00 p.m.

It's been kind of rainy and foggy but the temperature has been nice and it's not supposed to rain today so I'm hoping I can use my new swimsuit!

It's so sweet to see Jason relax and not to have a care in the world while he is on vacation. He has been looking forward to this for so long and this is also his happiest place on earth.

I can tell Grandma looks more worn and aged, but I just hope and pray this will be a wonderful happy vacation for her. I hope and pray that she won't have to spend any of it in a hospital bed and get to enjoy all her family which is going to be a lot by the end of the week and even by tomorrow!

Right now Jason is out fishing, it makes me so happy to think about how happy he is right now. I guess that is what love is all about truly being happy that the other person is happy. I love him so much.

Well, as for books, I'm still reading the Last of the Mohicans, I think it may take me awhile to finish it. Like I said it's a little hard for me to read and I certainly can't read it very quickly like some books. There is just something so beautiful about the way it is written that even when I don't understand something I just want to keep reading. My mil said she saw another really old J. Fenimore Coooper book in antique store so I may have to go get it this week.

This week I also read Jaws. It was super easy to read and it took me no time to read at all. I was surprised at how different the book was from the movie but I suppose their would be no way they could rate the movie pg if it was just like the book. I was so surprised to read that Brody's wife had an one night stand with the character that is played by Richard Dryfus, not that is so scandalous or something but they hardly delve into her character in the movie and she is a lot more involved in the book. I thought the happy ending was that she realized how much she loved her husband and that she didn't need her past life to be happy and that Brody didn't die in the end.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Getting closer!

Today Jason and I went on our annual sunday before vacation trip to the store to get things he needs which are always the same. Boat oil, rain jacket, and fishing lures even though he already has a tackle box full of them but I love to watch him so excited and dreamy eyed about our upcoming vacation.

I have so much to do, I haven't even started packing. You have to pack so much to go to the lake since in one day it can start out freezing get really hot and get freezing again. I also have this thing about not being able to leave a dirty house and it's really messy right now.

I had finished The Coalwood Way by Homer Hickam and then I started Bad Twin by Gary Troup which is a fiction book written by a fiction author to go along with the store of Lost. I haven't finished it because I just have too many other good books to read so I started Last of the Mohicans by J. Fenimore Cooper. It's hard for me to read since there a quite a few words that I have no idea what they mean but I just try to take them in context. I love history and I love that this books takes place in somewhere I've actually been, New York.

I can't wait to finish the book so I can watch the movie. I haven't seen it in a long time. The Movie reminds me of my sister Aimee because she liked it so much and there was a time when they showed it on tv a lot and whenever it was one she would watch it and like it because of her. I have a fond memory of watching it in our hotel room while we were waiting for our second day of traveling to get to Ohio.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September already!

I've been feeling a little anxious today and I think it will only get worse until I'm actually on vacation. It's kind of screwed up that getting ready for vacation is so much work and actually causes stress. I don't even want to look forward to vacation just in case something messes it up. I hate that I can think of every conceivable thing that could happen to mess it up. I hate to be so negative but I just don't want to get my hopes up and then not be able to go.

I really want to look forward to vacation and have fun packing and think about how much fun were going to have, sometimes it sucks being an adult. When I was little I loved packing for trips and would start packing for vacation a couple of weeks in advance.

I loved the two weeks we spent in Ohio every summer. I looked forward to it all year. When I was I little I loved playing with the picnic basket full of my cousins old toys that my Grandma kept in her garage for us to play with. At my my mom's parent's house I looked forward to picking out our new school shoes and playing in the little pool but even when I was little I remember thinking that things like that would end someday.